
Taking the time.......

 I love my Meals on Wheels route!   I love going around and seeing all of  "my people" as I call them.  They are always so gracious, so appreciative.  It brightens my day to brighten theirs.

This past Wednesday I was excited to bring Lila along as school is out for the summer.  Well, in a way I was excited.  But I was in a hurry, of course, and she wanted to get out and go to with me.  That part I wasn't so excited about.  I had envisioned her going to a couple of houses with me, but not every single one!

When we walked up to the house of my favorite WWII Purple Heart recipient,  his face lit up when he saw Lila.  He said, "Hold on one minute.  I want my wife to see your beautiful daughter."  He started calling for his wife.  "Anna, hurry and come to the door.  You have to see this.  Our favorite delivery girl brought her daughter along today.  She is so cute.  ANNA!  Hurry!"  

I almost started crying right there on their back steps.   (Those of you that know me well will not be surprised to hear that.)   Anna came to the door to meet Lila, then proceeded to tell us that their first great grandson had been born that week.  They were so proud, smiling from ear to ear talking about that little baby boy.
Lila and I walked back to the car and did the same thing at every house on the route.   Everyone was so excited to see her.   I was a bit ashamed of myself for wanting to leave her in the car just because it would make my route go  quicker.    Seeing the smiles on the faces of my elderly friends made it worth the hassle of getting her out of her carseat every time. 

 She was so proud to be my big helper!

I think it's so important to teach our kids that no matter how small they are they can make a difference in people's lives.  I'm so glad we took the time to live that out in real life on Wednesday. 

Happy Weekend Everyone!



  1. Aww! I somehow missed that you had a blog. Sorry. :( But this is such a sweet story!!! How neat that you have a MOW route, and that Lila CAN help. :) I agree with what you said. Starting them early helps set the tone of what is expected too. :)The "fun" becomes their routines in life. :) Good job mama.

  2. I love the second pic of her climbing the stairs, no hands, and eagerly heading for the door.

    Compare this with kids eagerly heading up the stairs trick or treating. Thinking only of receiving. This is ever so much better.

    Way to go to both of you!!

  3. I knew she would be loved by all. You made their day taking her along. She is a blessing to all.

  4. I imagine Lila feeds their spirits well :o)

  5. Imagine how amazing this world would be if we have more folks with a heart of gold and a smile that matches your Lila :~) One child/person can make a difference...

  6. Love the photos of Lila helping out. That is such a wonderful thing to teach her.
