
Almost Wordless Wednesday...

This (Almost) Wordless Wednesday will be dedicated to Justin and Maggie who are currently driving down the road in a U-Haul truck.  Towing their car behind them, they are starting a new adventure in their lives today.  They are moving to Miami.  

This mama's heart keeps doing the yo-yo between sadness and pride.  Sad that they are moving so far away when we've been very spoiled being able to seem them often with only a 3 hour drive between us! So proud!   They are leaving what they know to make memories together where everything will be new.  Good stuff.

Here are a few shots I've been able to capture in the last few weeks:

 Justin braiding Lila's hair after her bath

This is what happens when you have much older siblings..

 Playing with brother

Who knows?

Staredown between the newest "baby" and  the "baby-twice-removed"

 Lila meets "Belle"  at her birthday party

 Loving Beauty and the Beast

 Beauty and the Beast with the little ones

The kids with Bethany, our adoption "coach"

Have a great Wednesday!  I'm going to.  Big Sis Donna arrives tonight.  Yay!   : )



  1. Beauty and the Beast!! Love love love the photos. How do you get Lila to sit still while braiding her hair? I can barely comb or even clip back Ellie's hair--I have to do it while she is in the high chair.

  2. beautiful pics of all. I understand so well the feeling in your heart today-have been there with you in your life!!! Mom

  3. oh you brat!!!! haha!!! love the pics ... love you guys!!
