

Tomorrow is the big day!  Lila starts kindergarten at a new school tomorrow.  She will be attending a typical kindergarten class with some para support when she needs it.  
I am so excited.

It probably seems weird that she is starting kindergarten at a new school tomorrow 
when we have been in Colorado for over a month. 
It has been a bit of a journey.  

When we came to Colorado in early December on our house-hunting trip
I spoke with the Assistant Director of the Special Education department 
from the school district we wanted Lila to attend.  
We had a few phone conversations during the month of December
and Lila and I met with her when we first arrived in January.  
We thought we had everything in place!

Unfortunately, the temporary house we were leasing
was in a different school district.  
The lady that owns the house has grown kids 
and didn't have first-hand experience
but said that she regularly saw school buses 
from the district we had chosen.   
We should have double-checked.  
We didn't.

Imagine my disappointment
(shock, anger, tears) 
when I went to the district office to register Lila for school
and found out our house was
in a different district. 
Less than two blocks from the boundary.
Not the end of the world, for sure. 
But extremely disappointing.  
Especially after all the work I had done to make sure
everything was in order 
and Lila would be exactly where we thought she should be. 

The next day the girls and I were out and about 
when Tif and I decided to go to Starbucks.  
It was extremely cold- the wind was blowing like crazy.   
We decided that I would go in
and Tif would stay in the car with the little ones.  
When I walked in there was nobody in line.  
Then I remembered I hadn't even asked Tif what she wanted.  
Feeling silly, I went into the bathroom to text her. 
She answered right away and I walked back out of the bathroom.  
To a line of 8 people.  

I headed to the back of the line and realized that I was standing by the lady 
that Lila and I had met with from the Special Education department.  
I asked her if she remembered me and she said, "Of course!  
You're Lila's mom!  I just can't remember your name."   
We chatted about what had happened, 
She was very supportive and encouraging. 
She even asked me if Tif had found a job.
I told her to keep Lila's file close because we were moving to her district. 

I got back in the car and said to Tif,  "Do you believe in Divine Intervention?"  
I do.
I had been feeling pretty down about the situation.  
Feeling like I had failed my little girl.  
A chance meeting in Starbucks was all I needed to motivate me
and get me back on track.

Fast forward through crazy house hunting
bizarre wallpaper in one house, a huge 6 X 5 foot amphibian
cage in the living room of another.
And moving chaos.  
You don't wanna know.  

Well, maybe the wallpaper is worth sharing. 
I snapped a few shots with my cell phone. 
If you have wallpaper and love it- I'm sorry about the little detour in this post 
where I'm poking a bit of fun at the wallpaper.
I'm just not a wallpaper kinda girl.

 Powder room and Master Bathroom.  Nice, eh?

 Thanks to an old friend of mine who directed us to a military by owner website, 
we located the perfect house for us. 
As soon as I had a copy of the lease, 
I headed back to the district office
that I had left crying 
3 weeks ago.  
Lila was registered for school.

The school we requested is not Lila's home school.
It's the school that was part of the original plan.  
Out in the forest, where our first temporary house was.  
Where we love it.  
Where there are more trees than people. 
(Is that bad?)

They granted our request. 
Lila will be attending the school we chose for her.
I was happy. 
It felt like things were starting to come together.  
They called me from the school and asked if Lila and I 
wanted to come out for a tour of the school. 
The school among the trees.  

 They were so welcoming.  
They were expecting us 3 weeks ago, then they got the call that
it wasn't going to work out right now.
The lady giving us the tour said to Lila,
"We didn't expect to see you this year!" 
I just smiled.  
They don't know her mother.
I wasn't sure what to expect when Lila started school. 
We hadn't gotten to that point 3 weeks ago.
I knew what I had requested but I wasn't clear 
on the decision that had been made.  
So I asked. 
"Where will Lila be placed when she starts school on Thursday?"  
The woman who was giving us the tour is the 
head of  the special education program at the school.
She looked at me like she didn't understand the question.  
She asked me what I meant. 
I said, "Will Lila be in the typical kindergarten classroom?"  
She said, "Of course she will!  There is no reason for her not to be there." 

Then she went on to say, 
"We have a wonderful staff.  
The teachers here want all students to be 
included in their classrooms."

And you know what?  
I believe her.
The reputation of the school
backs up what she said.

I drove out of the parking lot
with happy tears in my eyes.
Feeling like our girl is 
right where she is supposed to be.
We are happy with her placement.
We are grateful for how things turned out.

Kindergarten is a pretty big thing!
She's ready.

There will be more quality time
with this one.

Which was also part of the original plan.

P.S.  Lila has been going to school during this time.
We gave the other school district a try.
It was a 3 hour a day, 4 day a week
preschool program.

It just wasn't right for our girl.


  1. Keeping in mind that I'm pregnant and thus insanely hormonal, I was crying reading this.
    I am soooo happy for you all. Not just Lila. I have only begun to let my mind drift to school and what Nava has in store and I find it so scary and confusing. It's so wonderful to hear that you got what you wanted and what's right for your girl.
    After all that.

  2. I'm so happy for you guys!!! That school looks and sounds amazing!!! Can't wait to hear how Lila's first day of school was!!

  3. Wonderful news. You must be so proud of her, she is an inspiration to her little friend Evie! :)

  4. Have you been to the school and left yet without crying? Just wondering. Maybe after she's been there two days? I'm thinking today you were just so thankful it all worked out you were crying a.g.a.i.n. when you left. I am SO happy for you and thankful with you. God has such an amazing way of working it all out and working in us as he's doing it.

    And btw, more trees than people is ALWAYS good. That school yard looks perfect!

  5. love love love all of the positive events that happened after the little bumps in the road. The girls look beautiful as always... I can not wait to come visit you guys! Missing you like crazy!
