
Lila's Student Profile

In the midst of remodeling, moving and adoption chaos
 I have been working as part of the local school district's
 Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Steering team.   
Tonight was the first SEAC meeting of the year
 and I was on the agenda to present a Student Profile for Lila. 

 Lord, how I loathe public speaking

 But it was all for a good cause~ 
showing parents an easy-to-use format to provide
 valuable and useful information about their child to school staff.  

(A special thank you to my awesome fellow DS mamas 
who helped me work out a few kinks with this project!)

It all went well, thankfully.  
 After the Student Profile presentations
 (there were 2 of us)
 we asked for feedback on the profiles.  
The parents in the room expressed excitement 
about going home and working on a Student Profile for their own kids.  
 The professionals in the room asked us 
to share these with everyone, saying that it would be 
so incredibly helpful to have a Student Profile
 on every one of the students they come in contact with.

I'm honoring their request and sharing Lila's profile.   
Here goes.

Introducing Lila Nargi

Lila Nargi at a glance:
Current interests:  Riding horse, dancing, playing outside
Likes:  Tracing letters, iPad apps, practicing sight-reading
Dislikes:  Noisy environments, people in her personal space, being left out of activities
Motivated by:  Positive reinforcement/reward system, gentle but firm teaching style
Turned off by:  Angry responses, impatient tone of voice

Lila’s strengths to build upon: 
  • Great at memorization, learns quickly
  • Learns best in a structured environment
  • Understands limits; able to follow rules
  • Loves to learn, craves success
  • Supportive and involved family

Lila’s challenges and ways to address them:
  • Easily over stimulated- benefits from sensory breaks and weighted supports
  • Younger developmental age- close adult supervision needed for impulsiveness and safety- especially during unstructured times such as lunch, recess and hall passing time
  • Weak fine motor skills- needs extra time and personal assistance for writing or drawing and self-help activities
  • Difficulty with transitions- responds well to picture charts and verbal cues

Our focus for Lila this school year:
  • To make measurable academic progress
  • To learn appropriate conversational skills with typical peer models
  • To make friends with whom she can spend time with outside of school

Our long-range school goals for Lila:
  • To participate in school with typical peer models
  • To reach her potential in academic areas, especially reading, math and written language
  • To develop age-appropriate behavior and social skills
  • To realize her full potential in order to find her niche in life

This was super easy to do.  
Some helpful hints:
 Make sure it all fits on one page.  
This should not be a repeat of your child's IEP.   
Give a copy of your child's student profile to 
everyone working with your child- teachers, paras, therapists, etc.  
 Have the school keep a few copies on hand 
to give to substitute teachers/paras for a brief overview of your child.

Pass it on!!!


  1. Lama, this is so helpful for me to read-- even just as her long-distance sister! I can't imagine how much more helpful it would be for all of her professionals. Awesome job!!!

  2. Such a great idea and so clear. Love this.
