
A tiny (and I do mean tiny) update

Just checking in....
 I haven't been blogging 
about my girlies
 because we've been so busy
having fun!

Our friend Sheila introduced us
to a place called Jump Street.
We fell in love.
*The next picture is proof-positive
 that I have absolutely no idea 
what I'm doing with my camera/lens.
I take a ton of pictures.
Once in a while I get really lucky
 and get a good shot.
Thankfully, the memories I am capturing
 will always make me smile 
regardless of the clarity of the shot.*
(Disclaimer over)

I'm not sure if you know this
 or not but my girl can fly!
We had so much
fun with our friends!

Lila and Kenadie have known each other 
since they were babies.
We were so sad when Kenadie's family 
moved from Virginia to Michigan.
After we moved to Colorado
we found out they were moving again~
to Colorado!
How lucky is that? 
I can't express how awesome
it is for our girls 
to be together again.
The mamas are happy
to be together again too!  

We also hit up a couple of pumpkin patches,
my favorite thing to do in the fall.

But that was before this happened.

This post was originally going to be longer.
With more photos.
But mama needs sleep.

My blog is getting an overhaul this weekend.
Our adoption story will be the 
debut post on the new blog.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, she CAN fly! I love Lexi's face in the one of the three of you. She looks so excited!
