
Dear Lexi,

When you first came to
live with us, you were 
a stranger.
All of your ways were
foreign to me.

We spent every day
Bonding and learning,
growing in love.

Something happened today
that was simply amazing.
All of a sudden, 
out of nowhere, I realized...
I would die for you.

The same realization I had
when I looked into the eyes of
Tiffani, Justin and Lila
for the very first time.

And that, my sweet girl, 
is a miracle.

The miracle of adoption.
The miracle of unconditional love.
The miracle of You.


  1. Down syndrome or not, they are all special. Although John is delayed and we sometimes mourn the child we thought we were getting, we love him the same as we do our other children. She is a cutie!
