
Down Syndrome Awareness Month

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month.
  While I can't make the commitment 
to blog every day,
I'm committing to updating my blog 
more than I normally do. 

 I'm starting the month out by featuring Lila, 
our biological daughter.  
Our journey with Lila and Down Syndrome started
 when we had a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome 
very early in my pregnancy.  


The doctors said
 she probably wouldn't make it.  
There were so many issues 
during my pregnancy with her.  
At one point the perinatologist sent us home 
telling us that unless there was a miracle
 she would never be born. 
 He hugged me and said he was sorry
 but there was nothing more he could do.  
It was all in God's hands.

Thankfully, our prayers were answered
and she proved them all wrong.  
 Here she is on day 3 of her life, 
after surgery to correct duodenal atresia.

Here she is today.  
A dance-loving, horseback riding, 
vivacious, sassy, thriving little girl 
who loves spending time 
with her friends and family.  


  1. I did not know that!! So glad she made it and can't wait to meet you guys next summer!!!!

  2. Lila, you are a beautiful miracle!
