I hosted at Playdate at my house of Friday. A Playdate with a twist. I asked people to donate new/gently used items to the Good Shepherd Alliance, an organization that has various ministries to benefit the homeless in our county. When I sent out the invitation, I acknowledged that it might seem odd to host a playdate asking people to bring donation items for a thrift store. Times are tough right now, and there are people that can't afford to buy their families new items for Christmas. Shopping at a thrift store might be their only option. The response was great~ everyone that came to the playdate participated.
I made meatballs & sauce, pasta and salad for lunch. We had a great time! The kids all played and the moms all sat around and talked. Of course. It's what we do.
I've said it before but I'll say it again~ we are so blessed to have each other. There were 9 families represented- each have at least one child with Down Syndrome in their family. And that's not even half of our group! What an awesome support group we have. I am so thankful for them.
Here's the loot in the back of our car:

Day 5- Going through Lila's "stuff"
Because I was busy cooking and cleaning for the Playdate of Giving, I didn't have a chance to go through Lila's stuff to find things to donate. (Apparently I leave everything to last minute.)
Nick helped me, and we came up with 1 big box of toys and a bag of clothes to give.
Day 6- Giving a boost on boostup.org
boostup.org is an organization that encourages disadvantaged young people to graduate from high school. Most of these kids come from broken homes, live in inner city neighborhoods, become parents at a young age, etc. The easy thing to do would be to drop out of high school. But these kids are doing their best to stay in school. Check out the website- it's pretty inspiring.
I sent a boost to David, an 18 year old sophomore from the Bronx. David has to work part-time to help support his adoptive family. He also has to find the strength to avoid the criminal elements in his neighborhood. I chose David because his face reminded me of a little boy I tutored in DC before Lila was born.
