A sad day

From Post Secret 1/10/10.

There are many couples out there that could have sent this postcard in to Post Secret. It makes me incredibly sad.

Today I will attend the memorial service of a little boy that never got the chance to grow up. His sister died 2 years ago after living for almost 3 months. Both were premature babies. My heart hurts for my friend and her husband.

I don't want to live in a perpetual state of sadness. I do want to live in a perpetual state of awareness. People all around me are hurting.

Please say a prayer for this family today. Their faith is strong. As is their grief.

Hug your precious kids today~


1 comment:

  1. Good friends of ours lost their unborn baby two weeks before her due date to an auto accident they were in. I've watched them hurt and grieve. It's so sad. I will be praying for this dear family you wrote about.

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