This kid cracks me up #782

I know I say it a lot. "This kid cracks me up."

She does.

Here's what happened earlier tonight:

Lila was sitting in her high chair, eating dinner. She looked over at the Bose and said, "Mama? Maddy? Please?" (She wanted me to play the Music with Maddy CD, which makes her very hyper. Bad idea at dinnertime.)

Me: "Sorry, Lila. Mommy has to say no to music right now. It's time to eat."

Lila didn't hesitate for even a second. "Daddy? Music? Maddy?"

Nick: "Lila, Mommy just told you no. No Music with Maddy right now. It's time to eat."

Lila: "Lila, music? Maddy? Yes. OK, Lila!"

She's just so funny. She definitely keeps us smiling around here!




  1. Lila is hilarious! Ms. Maddy will be very happy to hear about her #1 fan!! xoxo Annette

  2. That is hysterical. She's going to keep you on your toes!
