Look who can write her name!

We have been working hard on writing around here, and look what Lila can do completely unassisted!

Thankfully her name is relatively easy to write.    We will keep working on this but we are so proud of how well she is doing!!!!


  1. Yay, Lila! Yeah, great thinking ahead, mama, on the easy name. : )


  2. Whoo hoo! Go Lila go! BTW, the "a" is a very very hard letter to write. I should know because there are two in my first name. Lila is a superstar and I LOVE that you shared this amazing moment.

  3. VERY cool!!! Way to go, Lila!! We have another little friend named Lila who is writing her name at a very young age and it made me realize that both of my boys are screwed...:) LOL!

  4. Wow! That is amazing!! I found your blog through facebook (Heather Stewart-Seal recommended us to be friends some time ago)after seeing that gorgeous video today of Lila singing "You are my Sunshine". I loved it! Really impressed with her writing too! My Ruby has just started school in March (she turned 5 in March) and we are really working on the fine motor skills to get her writing. She is making great strides but only tracing at the moment. Great work on your blog, keep it up! Love seeing kids from all around the world sharing their joy!!
